1How can I place an order?
You need to register with us before placing an order. You can select products and make payment to confirm the order. Your information will help us to deliver the products at right time.
2Can I gift someone directly through your service?
Yes, you can. Please provide us receiver name, complete address, contact details, email-id and special message (if any) at the time of checkout.
3Where is your delivery service available?
Currently, our delivery service is available within the USA.
4How can I make payment?
We accept payment through credit cards, debit cards, internet banking, and cash cards.
5I want to order a bulk quantity of product(s), what is the procedure?
For bulk or corporate orders, You can send mail at order@zaitounesweetsusa.com with contact details.
6Can I have my order delivered on a different date?
Yes, that’s possible! You can specify a different delivery date at the last processing step (at order confirmation). However, we have no control if the parcel services are delayed and therefore cannot guarantee this.
7How long can the products be kept?
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8Do you offer a gift wrap service?
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9Do I get fresh products on delivery?
At Zaitoune, we value freshness and every time you hold a Cakes & Bakes product, it is freshly produced just a few minutes before you enjoy it.
10What are the delivery charges?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu massa orci.
11How can I track my order?
You can log in anytime to your account to see the status of your order.
12How can I retrieve my password?
You can click Login and click on forget password and follow the instructions to get a new password for your account.
13Do I have to register to make a purchase?
There is an option on the website to check-out securely as a Guest if you don’t want to register.
14How do I redeem a discount code?
On the Shopping Cart page, you will need to enter your code in the section “Promo Code” and click “Submit” before continuing with the transaction.